WarmaHordes Battle Report - Skorne vs. Cygnar - 50 pts
Battle Reports, Other Games, TDA ExclusivesGuestallocate, arc, beast, channel, Coleman, Colossal, cygnar, Cygnus, Empire, focus, force, fury, Gargantuan, horde, hordes, IKRPG, iron, jack, kingdoms, Leto, machine, Machines, PP, press, privateer, Rasheth, Rasheth1, rile, shake, skorne, Stormwall, stryker, Stryker1, Titan, tyrant, war, warbeast, warjack, warmachine
Warmachine Battle Report - Retribution vs. Cryx - 50 pts
Battle Reports, Other GamesGuestAiyanna & Holt, bastard, beast, cryx, Eiryss, Empire, Goreshade, Goreshade the bastard, horde, hordes, jack, Jamweh, Kaelyssa, machine, Nightmare, retribution, scyrah, the bastard, Toruk, war, warbeast, warjack, warmachine
Winds of Magic: Lore of Beasts
Winds of Magic: Lore of Fire
Warhammer Weekend! Guard v Tyranids & 3v3 Fantasy
Battle Reports, Battle Reports, Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40kAdamEmpire, high elves, Imperial Guard, ogres, orcs, Tomb Kings, Tyranids
WHFB for Dummies: The Art of Fleeing
WHFB for Dummies: Hammer and Anvil
WHFB for Dummies: Combat Cavalry