Warmachine Battle Report - Retribution vs. Cryx - 50 pts (Rematch)
Battle Reports, Other GamesGuestaiyanna, Bane, bastard, caster, CPsFTW, cryx, deathwalker, Eiryss, Goreshade, goreshade1, holt, hordes, jack, jacks, Kaelyssa, lock, machine, myrmidon, night's, of, retribution, scyrah, tartarus, the, thralls, war, warcaster, warjack, warjacks, warlock, warmachine, whisper, wishnailer
Warmachine Battle Report - Retribution vs. Cryx - 50 pts
Battle Reports, Other GamesGuestAiyanna & Holt, bastard, beast, cryx, Eiryss, Empire, Goreshade, Goreshade the bastard, horde, hordes, jack, Jamweh, Kaelyssa, machine, Nightmare, retribution, scyrah, the bastard, Toruk, war, warbeast, warjack, warmachine