Chaos Renegades: Some List Ideas


Hey everyone, I'm back from the honeymoon, the wedding was a blast, but it's back to the grind for me! So, now that I've gone over the Chaos Renegade army lists in full, the big question is what the hell do you do with it? Generally speaking, the army's strengths lie in it's incredibly inexpensive infantry and artillery, so typically that's what you'll expect in an army.

Rot Quake

Renegades of Vraks Combined Arms Detachment (Primary)

5 Renegade Command Squad: Ordnance Tyrant with Covenant of Nurgle: 85

Renegade Infantry Platoon:

  • 20 Command Squad: auto pistols, close combat weapons, 3 flamers, chaos sigil, demagogue: 85
  • 20 Infantry Squad: auto pistols, close combat weapons, 3 flamers, chaos sigil: 80
  • 20 Infantry Squad: auto pistols, close combat weapons, 3 flamers, chaos sigil: 80

35 Plague Zombies: 105 35 Plague Zombies: 105 4 Field Artillery: quad launchers, +8 extra crew: 144 4 Field Artillery: quad launchers, +8 extra crew: 144

3 Heavy Ordnance Battery: earthshakers, militia training, +6 extra crew: 193 2 Wyverns: 110 2 Wyverns: 110

3 Leman Russ Exterminators: militia training, multi-melta sponsons: 450 3 Rapier Laser Destroyers: militia training, +3 extra crew: 79 3 Rapier Laser Destroyers: militia training, +3 extra crew: 79

Total: 1849

Just look at all that fire power. The Ordnance Tyrant ditches his command squad to join the Heavy Ordnance Battery, a much more fitting command squad. In all this army puts out 48 small blasts a turn, 3 earthshaker shots, 6 rapier laser arrays, plus the Leman Russes. On top of that, you're putting 130 Objective Secured infantry on the board, over half of which has 4+ FNP and Fearless! The Ordnance Tyrant allows you to fire into combat, so if you get any high priority targets in melee with your zombies, shell the crap out of them!

The Bolt Action Nebelwerfer is a great and inexpensive alternative to the Forgeworld Quad Lancher

Blood and Thunder

Renegades of Vraks Purge Detachment (Primary)

5 Renegade Command Squad: Ordnance Tyrant: 70

4 Field Artillery: quad launchers: 120

2 Wyverns: 110 2 Wyverns: 110

3 Rapier Laser Destroyers: militia training, +3 extra crew: 79

Khorne Daemonkin Combined Arms Detachment

Herald of Khorne: 55 Herald of Khorne: 55

8 Bloodletters: 80 8 Bloodletters: 80

Maulerfiend: lasher tendrils: 140 Maulerfiend: lasher tendrils: 140 Maulerfiend: lasher tendrils: 140

Khorne Daemonkin Combined Arms Detachment

Bloodthirster of Insatiate Rage: 275 Bloodthirster of Insatiate Rage: 275

8 Chaos Cultists: 58 8 Chaos Cultists: 58

Total: 1850

While more of a Khorne Daemonkin army, I think it's a twisted enough of an idea to share. The general idea is that the maulers and Blood Thirsters don't really care if they're hit by wyverns or quad launchers, so you're free to shell into combat with impunity. The Heralds of Khorne go with the quad launchers and rapier lasers to generate Blood Tithe from ranged attacks, while blasting apart transports or infantry. Overall, I think this list would be incredibly fun to play with, though probably less fun to face, haha.

Blood Pact by CMDante

Ravening Hordes

Renegades and Heretics Combined Arms Detachment (Primary)

5 Renegade Command Squad: Master of the Horde with Covenant of Tzeentch: 75 3 Renegade Enforcer: carapace armour, melta bombs, combat drug injectors: 135

Renegade Infantry Platoon:

  • 20 Platoon Command Squad: autoguns, 2 autocannons, 2 meltaguns, command net vox, chaos sigil, militia training, Demagogue with Covenant of Tzeentch: 145
  • 20 Infantry Squad: autoguns, 2 autocannons, 2 meltaguns, vox-caster, chaos sigil, militia training, Champion with Covenant of Tzeentch: 145
  • 10 Infantry Squad: shotguns, 2 meltaguns, militia training: 60
  • Chimera: 2 heavy flamers, dozer blade: 60

Renegade Infantry Platoon:

  • 20 Command Squad: auto pistols, close combat weapons, 3 flamers, chaos sigil: 80
  • 20 Infantry Squad: auto pistols, close combat weapons, 3 flamers, chaos sigil: 80
  • 20 Infantry Squad: auto pistols, close combat weapons, 3 flamers, chaos sigil: 80

3 Chaos Spawn: 55 3 Chaos Spawn: 55

4 Wyverns: 220 3 Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyers: militia training, +3 extra crew: 79 3 Renegade Rapier Laser Destroyers: militia training, +3 extra crew: 79

Renegade Baneblade: Militia Training: 500

Total: 1848

Normally, I'm not a huge fan of the Baneblade, but when you combine it with a massive amount of infantry, suddenly it's aura granting Zealot starts to get a whole lot more serious. On the charge, each of those blobs of 20 infantry is putting out 80 attacks that re-roll to hit, provided they're near the Baneblade. On top of that, you still have a fair amount of firepower with the Rapiers, Wyverns and other infantry platoon. The non-melee infantry platoon is mostly for sitting on objectives, but they can also provide air support, as Covenant of Tzeentch means they'll be hitting flyers on a 5+, so if an enemy hive tyrant wants to end up within 18", there's a decent chance that you can knock it out of the sky with a meltagun or autocannon shot. Finally, the Master of the Horde allows you to bring back your infantry squads on a 5+ should they be destroyed, so you can fairly safely lose some early in the game and expect a couple to come back onto your backfield objectives.

A great alternative to the Heavy Ordnance Carriage, Reaper Bones Sledgehammer

While I'm sure there are many other ways to play the army, you can probably sense that my resounding theme involves big guns and a crap ton of near-worthless infantry. It would be interesting to see a Renegades of Vraks army built around the Shock Legion Taskmaster with a ton of Ogryns running up the board, or the Bloody-handed Reaver's army of faux-tempestus, though I think when it comes to winning games, it's all about the big guns and meat wall.