Heavy Gear Blitz: Beta Rules Game Play Videos


We have some simple game play videos of the new edition Heavy Gear Blitz Beta Rules for everyone to check out today. Video 1: Attacking Example

Here is a video showing a basic attack action with a North Hunter attacking a South Jager with a light autocannon. The Hunter gets to add one extra die to the attack because autocannons have the Burst trait. Click the image below to see the video. (Video Length 2:56 minutes)

Attacking Example Video Link.

Attacking Example Video Link. 

Video 2: Cover Example

Here is a video explaining how to determine cover for Heavy Gear. We have a Noth Hunter taking aim at a South Spitting Cobra Gear, South Herairoi hover tank, South Visigoth tank, and a South Drake Strider. Click the image below to see the video. (Video Length 4:33 minutes)

Cover Rules Example Video Link.

Cover Rules Example Video Link.

Video 3: Two Turn Game Example

Here is a quick two turn fight between three North Hunters and three South Jagers. Note that because of the small forces the activation is model by model instead of combat group by combat group. Note the skull tokens being used to represent the Command point on each Commander. Command points are used for re-rolls. Click the image below to see the video. (Video Length 15:31 minutes)

Two Turn Game Example Video Link.

Two Turn Game Example Video Link.