Black Legion Project Log: Obliterators and Pumice Gel Bases

Yesterday I stopped by the local art supply shop and got myself some Golden Pumice Gel Medium, both in the coarse and extra coarse variety.  I discovered that this glop is what many professional miniatures painters use to get their perfectly sculpted and built up bases, so I couldn't resist giving it a shot.  The Extra Coarse medium is perfect for bigger rocks and pebbles built up on the bases and ruins, while the normal Coarse medium is a great replacement for sand and glue.  It's a bit faster to apply than sand and glue, but takes quite a long time to dry, especially when built up thick.  The advantage is though, you can build it up and make it look much more natural than a perfectly flat area of sand. Also, while I was at it, I got to applying green stuff to my second unit of Obliterators.  I decided to pop out the Puppetswar heads that I was using, in exchange for the plastic Chaos Terminator heads, which I really like the look of.  An hour or so later and a liberal application of green stuff and I'm quite pleased with the results.