Goblinaid: Help one of the Greatest Warhammer Sculptors

Hey everyone, this is kind of a bit more serious of a post.  Long ago, an amazingly talented sculptor that goes by the name Kev Adams sculpted a line of minis for Games Workshop that to this day, remains to be one of the most characterful and funny group of misfits produced for our hobby.  Unfortunately, his home was broken into and he was assaulted, fairly severely.  Yeah, that's disgusting... Well, being the strong community that we are, people from all over the world have been getting together to help out Kev Adams since this happened.  You can find out about a bit of a charity here, on the Goblinaid Facebook page, or you can go directly to Wargames Foundry and buy some great goblins that will contribute towards a fund to help him out.

For those of you younger wargamers out there, Kev Adams was the guy behind the original Goblins for Warhammer, as well as the original Tzeentch Horrors.  You can see a few of his miniatures here.

And even more of his miniatures at the Kev Adams Challenge blogspot!

We at The Dice Abide wish Kev Adams the best of luck!
