Chaos AV 14/13 Spam?


So I'm well onto working on my Black Legion.  I've decided on the list I'm going to start with, and now I'm just playing with some silly ideas that I could also do with the the CSM book, trying every which way to beat the book into submission. Today for your approval, I present the Chaos Armored Fist!

Chaos Lord: Mark of Nurgle; power weapon, meltabombs

3 Chaos Terminators: 3× power weapon; 3× combi-melta • Chaos Land Raider: Havoc launcher 3 Chaos Terminators: 3× power weapon; 3× combi-melta • Chaos Land Raider: Havoc launcher

5 Plague Marines: 2× plasma gun 5 Plague Marines: 2× plasma gun 10 Chaos Cultists 10 Chaos Cultists

Heldrake: baleflamer

Chaos Predator: Havoc launcher; sponson heavy bolters Chaos Predator: Havoc launcher; sponson heavy bolters Chaos Predator: Havoc launcher; sponson heavy bolters

Aegis Defense Line

Total: 1,749

The general idea here is that the terminators deepstrike, leaving their transports open for the 2x10 cultists to hop inside and enjoy the protection that is normally reserved for elite units.  There's plenty of dakka from the Predators, and naturally the ubiquitous Heldrake.  Instinctually I give the Heldrake the baleflamer, but the more I consider the list, a Hades autocannon might be a better idea and just use the Heldrake as dedicated anti-air.  The Predators can hunker down behind the ADL with the Plague Marines to hold onto backfield objectives, while the Landraiders slowly move the cultists into position... Or maybe I'm totally daft.