Dark Angel Deep Strike Cheese List


So I've got a good friend in the process of picking up some 40k.  He used to play Dark Angels long ago, and recently acquired 3 sets of Dark Vengeance to get him back in the game.  Being quite a competitive player, we've been working on coming up with a nasty list that he can use to punish our local game group...

Belial: TH/SS

5 Tactical squad: Meltagun, Sgt with Meltabombs, in Drop Pod 5 Tactical squad: Meltagun, Sgt with Meltabombs, in Drop Pod 5 Tactical squad: Meltagun, Sgt with Meltabombs, in Drop Pod 5 Deathwing Terminators: Sgt with TH/SS, 1 Chainfist, 1 Cyclone 5 Deathwing Terminators: Sgt with TH/SS, 1 Chainfist, 1 Cyclone 5 Deathwing Terminators: Sgt with TH/SS, 1 Chainfist, 1 Cyclone

3 Hyperios Air Defense Battery: Hyperios Missile Launchers 3 Hyperios Air Defense Battery: Hyperios Missile Launchers

Deathstorm Drop Pod: whirlwind launchers Deathstorm Drop Pod: whirlwind launchers Deathstorm Drop Pod: whirlwind launchers

Total: 1750

The general idea is that against a non-reserve army, deep strike the  Deathstorm Drop Pods (rules via Forgeworld), which deal a disgusting D3x S5 AP4 pie plate on every single unit within 12", friend or foe, immediately when it lands.  After the first one shoots, drop the second, which will target the third (but can't hurt it) causing more pie plates to scatter around if there are still enemies near the first... Then the third...  After the smoke clears, Belial can then deep strike in where the enemy once was.  If you're feeling extra balsy, you can deep strike Belial first, and use him to distribute some more pie plates!

After the initial alpha strike, the Deathstorms will still be firing normal Whirlwind shots, which aren't bad, and then you're still shooting 12 missiles a turn (6 with skyfire/interceptor).  The list has 6 scoring units, a few melta weapons, nasty close combat with the Terminators... Really, it feels like it has everything.

What do you think?

Edit - One idea, drop 1 Hyperios and the Melta Bombs for an Aegis to plant the Hyperios Batteries behind...