Quick, Easy and Beautiful Display Boards


If you've read any of my posts this month, you'll know that I'm getting ready for the Bay Area Open! As my Ogre army is mostly complete now, I now have to get my display board in order.  In the past, I've used the Battlefoam X-Board, but I didn't really want to repaint a board that I've already done, plus I thought I'd fancy it up a bit.

I started by buying an 18"x12" picture frame from Amazon.  It wasn't very expensive and had free shipping because of Amazon Prime, woo!  (No, I'm not getting paid by Amazon to say that, I just love them)

To make the display board, I simply took a 12x18" piece of masonite that I had lying around, glued sand and a few rocks to it, and then fastened it into the frame, just as you would with any picture!


The best part about the display board, is that once it's painted, I can just pop out the middle piece and replace it with another painted to a different scheme!  Now I just need to make sure all my other armies fit on a 12x18 board, but that's another story.