Athel Loren Airforce


I don't typically post back-to-back army lists (I think it's in bad taste), but I'm rapidly building my various Wood Elf miniatures, and I think I've decided on the list that I'll be using, at least initially.  I'm sure it's not the most effective list in the world, but what it does do is really force me to get into the maneuvering and fleeing game right away.  Once I feel confident using these strategies, I'll probably change my list a bit to include my Glade Guard, Waywatchers, Wardancers and so on that will be crying for attention.

Spellweaver: level 4, Lore of Life, Wand of Wych Elm, Stone of the Crystal Mere, elven steed Wood Elf Highborn: great weapon, shield, Alter Kindred, Bow of Loren, Arcane Bodkins, Helm of the Hunt

Noble: BSB, light armor, Hail of Doom Arrow, elven steed Noble: great weapon, light armor, Pageant of Shrikes, Hunter's Mark, great eagle Noble: great weapon, light armor, shield, Dragonhelm, Amaranthine Brooch, great eagle Noble, great weapon, light armor, great eagle

9 Glade Riders: musician, standard bearer, Horsemaster 9 Glade Riders: musician, standard bearer 5 Glade Riders: musician, standard bearer 5 Glade Riders: musician, standard bearer

3 Warhawk Riders 3 Warhawk Riders 3 Warhawk Riders

Great Eagle Great Eagle

Total: 2,498

So I've got a total of 5 Great Eagles, a machine gun highborn, level 4 with life and nothing in the army moves less than 18" per turn!  I'm sure it will be fragile as hell, but at the same time, I'm hoping that I can totally run circles around the enemy, avoid combat and kill off the chaff for the victory.  If not effective, it will at least be fun!