Playing with Bugs: 1850 Tyranids
So since I've been playing a bit more 40k lately, I've decided to give it a go with my beloved Tyranids again. I used to play them all the time, then I got into my IG, followed by my Necrons, but something about them is always in the back of my (hive) mind. I tend to have bigger issues with fast skimmers flying circles around me, or being hit by the occasional long rang tank than facing mid ranged troops and light tanks. So with that in mind and my new Barbed Heirodules in hand, I decided to do a second take on my lovely bugs.
Hive Tyrant: 2x Twin-linked Devourers, Hive COmmander, Leech Essence, Paroxysm Tyrant Guard: Lash Whip2 Hive Guard 2 Hive Guard
10 Termagants: Flesh Borrers 10 Termagants: Flesh Borrers Tervigon: Crushing Claws, Cluster Spines, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst Tervigon: Cluster Spines, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst 20 Genestealers: Broodlord with Scything Talons
Tyrannofex: Cluster Spines, Dessicator Larvae, Rupture Cannon Tyrannofex: Cluster Spines, Dessicator Larvae, Rupture Cannon
Total: 1848
It's been a while since I've played my bugs, but at least on paper this sounds like a fun list. Plenty of anti-tank shooting, plus an outflanking unit of Genestealers and an outflanking Tervigon to boot. Not sure how it would fare against the big 3, I'm guessing much better against IG and Wolves than GK, but that's probably a given.