Lost in the warp! What has been happening.


Well I have been traveling for about 2 months for work and other activities.  In that time I worked on my blood angels and started messing with my Iron Warriors again.  Now I am a long time Chaos player.  In fact I have played my Iron warriors for 14 years now.  I have been pretty loyal to them and always drag them out to play a game.

Now 'Ard boys just passed and I used my Descent of Angels list which might have done better if I could roll better.  Also I got an emergency call and had to leave early.  Now with 'Ard Boys this is my second time playing in them.  First time I didn't know what was going on and just brought a whatever list and got rolled into the ground.  This year I had a pretty balanced list but with bad rolls and my first round cheating with his spawned gaunts( he must have forgotten how to count) I got a loss.  second round I went again my friend Adam G and his Eldar.  I knew this was going to be a tough fight but it didn't help that turn 1-3 I had 3 missile hits and only 2 wounds both passed a cover save.  Now it ended up being a fun game for me I learned alot of different things.  I had a bit of a bad set up and don't always use DoA.  So that brings me to my current project.  My Iron Warriors rebirth.  I went over this pretty in depth on should I just use a Chaos list or do the ever hated Chaos Space Wolf list.  Here are my 2 lists I was thinking about.

Chaos: 2000 points

Sorcerer lord: mark of Tzeentch, Bolt of change :155

5 Chosen: 5 meltaguns in rhino twin-bolter, Combi-melta: 185

5 Chosen: 5 meltaguns in rhino twin-bolter, Combi-melta: 185

5 Chosen: 5 meltaguns in rhino twin-bolter, Combi-melta: 185

10 Chaos Marines: 2 plasma guns rhino with twin-bolter havoc launcher: 230

10 Chaos Marines: 2 plasma guns rhino with twin-bolter havoc launcher: 230

10 Chaos Marines: 2 plasma guns rhino with twin-bolter havoc launcher: 230

10 Chaos Marines: 2 plasma guns rhino with twin-bolter havoc launcher: 230

5 havocs: 4 plasma guns rhino with twin-bolter, havoc launcher: 185

5 havocs: 4 plasma guns rhino with twin-bolter, havoc launcher: 185

Now with this list it uses a lot of special weapons.  has a massive amount of mid ranged fire power and has alot of bodies on the table.  The down fall is no long range fire power.  Offers a lot of KPs

 (Chaos) Space Wolves: 2000 points

Run Priest: Jaws, Living lightning, chooser of the slain: 110

5 Wolf Guard: 4 combi-melta 1 terminator with cyclone missile launcher: 155

5 Grey Hunters: meltagun razorback with twin-plasma gun lascannon: 155

5 Grey Hunters: meltagun razorback with twin-plasma gun lascannon: 155

5 Grey Hunters: meltagun razorback with twin-plasma gun lascannon: 155

5 Grey Hunters: meltagun razorback with twin-plasma gun lascannon: 155

5 Grey Hunters: meltagun razorback with twin-plasma gun lascannon: 155

5 Thunder Wolf Calvary: 2 storm shields, 1 Mark of the Wulfen: 315

6 long fangs: 5 missile launchers razorback with twin linked assault cannon: 215

6 long fangs: 5 missile launchers razorback with twin linked assault cannon: 215

6 long fangs: 5 missile launchers razorback with twin linked assault cannon: 215

With this army I gain long ranged fire power, close combat support, Anti-psychic.  I don't really lose a lot in terms of killing and ranged.

If anything, the Space Wolf book just has a better list for what I need.  All of my old iron warrior armies used to be nothing but heavy weapon spam.  I had an army in 3rd ed that had around 20 lascannons.  Now I understand a lot of people get mad when they see Chaos Space Wolf list.  They rant and rave "oh my god play the Chaos book," but I really sat down and looked at the Chaos book and, frankly, it just isn't good, I've tried, but it just lacks too much for my taste.  I will go more into it later but I challenge anyone to write a chaos list that can easily handle a razor/fang spam list or Leaf blower.